Studies are often conducted prior to the launch of multi-million-dollar campaigns. They are in-depth examinations and assessments of the fundraising potential of an organization or institution, conducted by outside counsel and presented in the form of a written and oral report that summarizes study findings, recommendations and proposed campaign plans.
Major campaigns are thoughtfully organized, highly structured fundraising initiatives aimed at securing philanthropic support for specific needs including new facilities, endowment, programming and sometimes a portion of annual operating support. Campaigns of this nature begin with planning and preparation services aimed at board and staff leaders.
Campaign implementation is a rigorous process whereby concentrated fundraising efforts conducted over a predetermined time period result in securing ambitious yet achievable goals. Campaign donors make financial commitments payable over multiple years to maximize their levels of support.
Annual giving programs include specific strategies to secure private support for the yearly programmatic and operating budgets of a nonprofit. Conducting a brief SWOT analysis of existing programs provides nonprofits with written findings and recommendations needed to upgrade annual levels of giving and develop a more solid base of consistent donors. Recommendations may include the establishment of new fundraising endeavors that reduce reliance on special event revenue and increase relationship management practices with viable individual, foundation and corporate decision makers.
Securing private support of any amount necessitates three components: a compelling case for support, a cultivated pool of viable prospective donors and a group of individuals with the capacity and propensity to contribute and assist in securing additional support. A strategic plan that encompasses the mission and vision of a nonprofit organization for 3-5 years often results in the need for funds to provide for specific advancements. The strategic planning process includes nonprofit leaders, boards of directors and outside counsel to facilitate and expedite the process. Strategic planning participants gain a sense of ownership of organizational needs and are often willing to assist in implementing them.
The board of directors of any nonprofit is key to organizational success. Developing an engaged board of directors with the wherewithal to advance the mission of the organization through their participation and engagement requires that an established nominating process be put into place with written requirements and hoped for outcomes.
Ewing Consulting also provides customized services in each of the following areas. Services are defined on a case-by-case basis depending on the specific needs of the organization.
Ewing Consulting has developed a cadre of proficient writers, advertising and branding experts, print and publication designers, videographers and other vendors and suppliers suited to meet specific client needs. Recommendations about CRMs, wealth screening software and other donor and prospect data systems are also available.
Ewing Consulting is well versed in the Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust’s ATLAS and AGILE projects presented by Susan Kenny Stevens of the Nonprofit Lifecycles Institute. We frequently assist organizations in the implementation of capacity and capital building programs that increase institutional resilience.
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